At ECHO EARTH, we are committed to sustainability and quality in the hemp fabric industry. We proudly hold a comprehensive range of certifications, including but not limited to:
SEDEX certified
SEDEX (Supplier Ethical Data Exchange) Certification is a globally recognized accreditation that verifies a company's commitment to ethical and responsible business practices in their supply chains
Organic Certifications
Our hemp fabrics are certified organic, ensuring they are grown and processed without synthetic pesticides or fertilizers.
Global Organic Textile Standard (GOTS):
We adhere to GOTS standards, which cover the entire supply chain, from cultivation to processing and labeling, ensuring the organic integrity of our products.
ISO Certifications
We maintain ISO certifications relevant to quality management, ensuring that our hemp fabrics meet the highest standards.
organic blended content standard
The Organic Content Standard (OCS) applies to any non-food product containing 5-100 percent organic material. It verifies the presence and amount of organic material in a final product. Further OCS tracks the flow of a raw material from its source to the final product.
Peta approved vegan
The PETA- Approved Vegan logo is a certification for products that do not contain any animal related materials.
Fedration of Indian export organizations
FIEO provides the crucial interface between international trading community of India and the Central and State Governments, financial institutions, ports, railways, surface transport and all engaged in export trade facilitation.
SITRA, service for excellence
We maintain ISO certifications relevant to quality management, ensuring that our hemp fabrics meet the highest standards.
Made in India
we can proudly assure that 100% of our hemp and other sustainable yarns which is used to make fabric are made in India. These certifications represent our dedication to delivering hemp fabrics of the highest quality while upholding ethical and sustainable principles in the industry."